For nearly the last week, Boca del Toro and northern Panama has experienced a constant torrential down pour. In this time, I have studied, surfed, played dominos with my new friends, and remained soaking wet. I thought it was all fun, until I realized that Panama is closed. According the locals the border is under a meter of water. I´m trapped in on an Island. I sort of feel like Kate on Lost, except I still have to shave my legs.
So being trapped, no big deal right? Right. Well, the crisis came yesterday when I realized that it the border will still be under water on Sunday...the day I need to head to Costa Rica to catch a flight to Guatemala. Lucky for me, there is a small airport on the island with 3 flights to Costa Rica a week.
It was hopeless. I thought I might go for a walk, before I remembered that the outside gate was locked at night and my key was in my room. I curled up on a wooden bench and tossed and turned for the rest of the night. What else could I do at 3 in the morning?
pretty funny!
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